461. Hamming Distance
1. Description:
The Hamming distance between two integers is the number of positions at which the corresponding bits are different.
Given two integers x
and y
, calculate the Hamming distance.
0 ≤ x
, y
< 231.
1 | Input: x = 1, y = 4 |
2. Difficulty:
3. Solution:
bit count
What does come to your mind first when you see this sentence "corresponding bits are different"
? Yes, XOR
! Also, do not forget there is a decent function Java provided: Integer.bitCount()
But how does bitcount work?
Let us look at the source code
1 | public static int bitCount(int i) { |
hex: 0x55555555, hex 5: 0101
binary: 101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101
1 | i = i - ((i >>> 1) & 0x55555555); |
第一行是计算每两位中的 1 的个数 , 并且用该对应的两位来存储这个个数 ,
如 : 01101100 -> 01011000 , 即先把前者每两位分段 01 10 11 00 , 分别有 1 1 2 0 个 1, 用两位二进制数表示为 01 01 10 00, 合起来为 01011000.
Count the number of 1 in every two digits, and use two digits to store it.
e.g. 01 10 11 00 store in 01 01 10 00.
By (i >>> 1)
e.g. 01 10 >>> 1
= 00 11
, 00 11 & 0x5(01 01)
= 00 01
. We get the number of 1 in high digit in 01 10
- In first two digits
, the number of 1 in high digit is 0.
- In second two digits
, the number of 1 in high digit is 1.
Then how to get total number of every 2 digits?
All cases:
, i >>> 1
= 1
, 1 & 0101
= 1
. We suppose to get 10
. And 11 - 1
= 10
, i >>> 1
= 1
, 1 & 0101
= 1
. We suppose to get 01
. And 10 - 1
= 01
, i >>> 1
= 0
, 0 & 0101
= 0
. We suppose to get 01
. And 01 - 0
= 01
, i >>> 1
= 0
, 0 & 0101
= 0
. We suppose to get 00
. And 00 - 0
= 00
So i - 00 01
= 01 10 - 00 01
= 01 10
1 | i = (i & 0x33333333) + ((i >>> 2) & 0x33333333); |
= 0011 0011 0011…
第二行是计算每四位中的 1 的个数 , 并且用该对应的四位来存储这个个数 .
如 : 01101100 经过第一行计算后得 01011000 , 然后把 01011000 每四位分段成 0101 1000 , 段内移位相加 : 前段01+01 =10 , 后段 10+00=10, 分别用四位二进制数表示为 0010 0010, 合起来为 00100010 .
After counting every two digits. We should count every 4 digits.
It is quite same like count every two digits. Try it!
1 | i = (i + (i >>> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f; |
= 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111
After count 4 digits. We count 8 digits.
We still check 16digits and 32 digits.
other solution1:
1 | public int hammingDistance_2(int x, int y) { |
other solution2:
1 | public int hammingDistance_3(int x, int y) { |